Title Job Fair Meta Teaser description Augusta VA is hiring on Saturday, July 16, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., at its Uptown Campus on 1 Freedom Way in Augusta, Georgia. Content Date and time Sat, Jul 16 2022, 9:00am - 3:00pm EDT Event image JOBS Augusta.jpg Hidden in media library Section VA Augusta health care Full event description Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center will host a job fair Saturday, July 16, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., at its Uptown Campus on 1 Freedom Way in Augusta, Georgia. Augusta VA personnel will interview applicants for clinical and non-clinical positions across the healthcare system, including sites in Augusta, Athens, Aiken, and Statesboro. Augusta VA personnel will make same-day job offers for some positions. WHAT TO BRING: 5 or more copies of your resume or CV including all relevant experience (include month/year of start and end date for all relevant work experience) Copy of professional license (if applicable) Unofficial transcripts (if applicable) Two forms of government-issued identification DD Form 214 (if applicable) Letter of disability (if applicable) OPEN POSITIONS: Registered Nurse (RN) Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Physician Medical Technologist Advanced Medical Support Assistant (AMSA) Housekeeping Aid (Preference Eligible Veterans only) Medical Supply Technical (sterile processing) Physician Assistant Nurse Practitioner Psychologist Social Worker Painter Laborer Program Clerk (Screener) – Veterans Only Nursing Assistant Intermediate Care Technician Medical Instrument Technician Diagnostic Ultrasound Tech Radiology Technologist (DRT) Computer Technologist (CT) Magnetic Residence Technologist (MRI) Vascular Interventional Technologist (VIR) Mammography Technologist Surgery Medical Instrument Technician Food Service Workers Student Nurse Technicians (SNT) Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center employs about 2,700 employees who serve more than 50,000 Veteran patients each year in Georgia and South Carolina. In addition to the Medical Center’s two campuses in Augusta, Charlie Norwood VA operates three outpatient clinics in Aiken, South Carolina, and Athens and Statesboro, Georgia. Location-related Building, floor, or room Uptown campus, main entrance Address United States Location type At a VA facility Facility location Augusta VA Medical Center-Uptown Registration related Registration is required for this event No Cost Free Curation Featured Off Order 1st Include registration information Off