VA Augusta will host a Homeless Veteran Stand Down event on Friday, Nov. 18, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at its Uptown Division, at 1 Freedom Way in Augusta, with the goal of providing as many at-risk Veterans or Veterans experiencing homelessness with resources. Veterans can drive through or walk up to the pavilion located near the baseball field behind the hospital.
Veterans can expect a VA eligibility screening and registration, information on VA health care programs and services, local community agency information, HUD-VASH and other housing information, limited life-essential items, and a boxed lunch. Masks are required and will be provided.
If you or someone you know is at risk or experiencing homelessness, there are multiple ways to seek resources. Veterans may walk in to office 3D-104 at VA Augusta’s Uptown Division, call 706-733-0188 ext. 26814, or call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans any time at 1-877-424-3838.