Friday, Nov. 18: VA Augusta to host Homeless Veteran Stand Down
Augusta, GA
United States
Veterans can drive through or walk up to the pavilion located behind the hospital, at the top of the hill overlooking the rear parking lot and field of solar panels.
The Department of Veterans Affairs recently published a press release indicating an 11% decline in Veteran homelessness nationwide since 2020, the biggest drop in 5 years.
“Our team has worked tirelessly to link our Veterans to affordable housing options, even more so during the pandemic and housing crisis,” said Sabrina Faircloth, who leads VA Augusta’s homeless Veteran programs. “While we celebrate a decrease in Veterans experiencing homelessness, our work continues until all of our Veterans have a safe place and affordable place to live.”
Veterans attending the Stand Down can expect access to limited life-essential items (e.g. toiletries, gloves, blankets, socks), a boxed lunch, a VA eligibility screening and the opportunity to register for VA health care, information on VA health care programs and services, local community agency information, and HUD-VASH and other housing information.
Media seeking more information can contact Will Martin, VA Augusta Chief of Public Affairs, at