
Kristine Brown

Kris Brown
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Job title
Deputy Director
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Kris Brown was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Bay Pines VA Healthcare System (BPVAHCS), in October 2017.
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Prior to that, she served as both the Associate Director and the Assistant Director of the BPVAHCS since September 2007. During her tenure at Bay Pines VAHCS, she has been detailed into various leadership positions including Deputy VISN 8 Network Director in 2009 and Interim Healthcare System Director for a period of 14 months in 2011 and 2012. Ms. Brown holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Michigan and a Master's degree from the University of South Florida. She is also board certified as a Public Health Professional, and is a 2009 graduate of the Veteran Health Administration's Healthcare Leadership Institute. Ms. Brown started her VA career in 1994. Prior to coming to Bay Pines, she served as the manager for VHA's National Information and Data Management Committee and as a Communications Analyst for the Office of Information at VA Headquarters. She has held a number of program management and administrative officer positions at both the Atlanta VA Medical Center and the Ann Arbor VA Healthcare System.

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