
Join the epic motorcycle escort for The Wall That Heals trek to the VA hospital in Bedford, Mass.

Motorcycle riders lead an 18-wheeler down the road
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BEDFORD, Massachusetts–In keeping with tradition, VA Bedford Healthcare System is recruiting motorcyclists, motorcycle riders, and bikers to join the motorcycle escort following The Wall That Heals to Bedford, Massachusetts, on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022.
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The ride will begin at VFW Post 3291 in Pepperell;  the escort will contain hundreds of Veteran and civilian riders and follow a scenic route through Pepperell, Groton, Littleton, Westford, Carlisle, ending at Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans’ Hospital in Bedford.

Staging will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Pepperell VFW parking lot at 55 Leighton St, Pepperell, followed by a safety brief at 10:30 a.m., and kickstands up at 11 a.m. This police-escorted ride will travel MA-113 and MA-111 past the Pepperell Global War on Terrorism memorial, continuing to routes MA-119 E, MA-110 (King St), and MA-225 E for arrival at VA Bedford around 12 p.m.

This is a motorcycle-only escort; four-wheeled vehicles are not permitted. For more information, contact Leanna Lynch, VA Bedford Community Relations, at 781-985-5101 or leanna.lynch@va.gov, or Brian LeBlanc, President, Rolling Thunder® MA Chapter 1, at 617-990-4735 or leblancdiver@yahoo.com

Want to see the escort? VA Bedford Healthcare System challenges you to line the streets along the route to witness the escort and welcome The Wall That Heals to Bedford. 

The Wall That Heals is a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and will be on display here Sept. 22-25, 2022, hosted by VA Bedford Healthcare System. The exhibit, along with a mobile Education Center, will be open 24 hours a day and is free to the public. The Wall That Heals closes at 2 p.m. on Sept. 25. 

Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities are also available. Call 781-687-3076 or email  vhabedTheWallThatHeals@va.gov


About VVMF

The Wall That Heals is a program of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, VVMF, the nonprofit organization that built the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. in 1982. The Wall That Heals is the only traveling exhibit affiliated with The Wall in Washington, D.C., and includes the largest Wall replica that travels the country. Two VVMF staff members lead volunteers on site, educate visitors and students, and ensure the reflective atmosphere of The Wall. More information can be found at www.thewallthatheals.org.