The exhibit, along with a mobile Education Center, will be open 24 hours a day and is free to the public. The Wall That Heals closes at 2 p.m. on Sept. 25.
Volunteers are needed around the clock to greet and assist visitors, should be 18 years or older, and be able to stand for extended periods. No experience is necessary and volunteer training will be provided. Interested individual volunteers may sign up for shifts at
Organizations desiring to volunteer or sponsor the visit may contact VA Bedford via email at or call 781-687-3076 to express their interest.
“Hosting The Wall That Heals is an opportunity that can transform a community,” VA Bedford Director Joan Clifford said. “From Thursday until Sunday, we can expect hundreds of volunteers and thousands of visitors for 24-hours each day no matter the weather, crowds, or other needs. It will truly take a village.”
The Wall That Heals honors the more than three million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed forces in the Vietnam War and bears the names of the 58,281 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.
Hosting the mobile exhibit at VA Bedford HCS, and by extension, in the Town of Bedford, allows local Veterans and their family members a chance to experience The Wall. It provides an opportunity to honor and remember all those who served and sacrificed in the Vietnam War and educate visitors on the continuing impact of the Vietnam War on America.
Media opportunities are also available and welcome.
VA Bedford Healthcare System serves Veterans in Middlesex and Essex counties in Massachusetts, providing health care services at our Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans’ Hospital in Bedford, and three community-based outpatient clinics in Lynn, Haverhill, and Gloucester. Find information about our services at and like and follow us on social media at and