Billings Vet Center - Veteran connections
Vet Center
Service name
Vet Center service description
There are many organizations that are eager to assist Veterans, service members and their families. Here are just a few:
- VA Enrollment/Medical (Montana): (406) 373-3500
- Benefits: Dept. of Military Affairs (Montana); (406) 248-8579
- Employment and Apprenticeships: Montana Department of Labor & Industry (406) 655-6045; Montana Registered Apprenticeship (406) 444-3998
- Education: Montana State University's Veterans Upward Bound; (406) 794-3244 - Free college prep. classes
- Housing: Volunteers of America Northern Rockies (406) 252-4118, (406) 281-8329
- Food: MT Veteran's Meat Locker (406) 860-9683 - Free wild and domestic grown meat for Veterans and their families