
Addiction and substance abuse care - Hot Springs VA Medical Center

VHA health service name and description
Patient friendly name
Drug and alcohol treatment and rehabilitation
We can help you overcome substance use problems from unhealthy alcohol use to life-threatening addiction. We match our services—like counseling, group therapy or medication—to your specific needs.
Type of care
Mental health care
Health Service API ID
Type of Care
Referral services
Service description
We can help you overcome substance use problems, from unhealthy alcohol use to life-threatening addiction. We'll connect you to services for your specific needs.
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VAMC system description of service

Our Mission is to provide the appropriate range of effective clinical services to meet the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of those entrusted to our care. Our goal is to help you learn how to cope with life stressors without the use of alcohol or drugs; and to assist you acquiring relapse prevention skills.

The residential ADS program is an 8 week intense program within the Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (Domiciliary).

Services Provided:

  • Female specific services
  • OEF/OIF specific programming
  • Co-morbid conditions
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Behavioral treatment groups
  • Motivational counseling
  • Integrated therapy for substance Use Disorder/Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • 12 Step Facilitation
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy for relapse prevention

Criteria: Veterans of all eras are eligible for the Residential Substance Abuse Program.  Veterans must be willing to actively participate in their treatment.  A phone screen will be conducted to see if the Veteran meets criteria specific for the Hot Springs program.

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