
Bariatric surgery at VA Boston health care

VHA health service name and description
Patient friendly name
Weight loss surgery

Bariatric surgery is an approach to help you improve your health and quality of life by losing weight.

Type of care
Specialty care
Health Service API ID
This is a required Vet Center service
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VAMC system description

We provide a team approach utilizing comprehensive services to promote healthy weight management.  The Veteran could expect care from the following disciplines: Gastroenterology, Medicine, Nutrition, Psychology, Social Work, and Surgery.  Some of the common surgical procedures done include:

  • Gastric Bypass Surgery
  • Gastric Banding Surgery
  • Robotic assisted surgical procedures

Available at these locations:

West Roxbury VA Medical Center

Learn more about our Bariatric Surgeons at VA Boston health care

How to Make an Appointment

If you aren't currently being seen by Bariatric surgery, you can be referred by your Primary Care Provider for an initial consultation. If you are already being followed by Bariatric Surgery, please call the clinic directly at 857-203-4023.