Rosemary Cancel-Santiago
Job title |
Associate Director
Ms. Cancel-Santiago served as the Director of Virtual Health where she provided strategic guidance and direction for developing Telemedicine infrastructure where JJP lead both the VISN and the Nation on Virtual Care Metrics. She has held various leadership roles in the VA and was responsible for dovetailing both administrative and clinical activities for several clinical services such as Surgery, Women’s Health, and Dental. She continues to collaborate with staff on the expansion and implementation of Virtual Health and serves as a technical advisor in directing operational efficiency.
Prior to joining the VA, Ms. Cancel-Santiago was responsible for the management and coordination of Surgical Service at the NYC Health and Hospital Corporation. She served as the Executive Assistant and AIDS Healthcare Network Director to the former Commissioner of Mental Health Services and the President and CEO of NYC Nonprofit.
Ms. Cancel-Santiago holds a Master of Public Administration in Health Policy/Management from New York University and earned her undergraduate degree with honors (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Administration with emphasis in Management from Mercy College. Certifications include: VHA Mentor, Mediator and Clinic Video Master Preceptor.