
A Journey to a Better You can start with Primary Care Mental Health Integration

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Primary Care Mental Health Integration (PCMHI) staff will have an informational table setup and be available for Q & A about how we can assist you with mental health, chronic health conditions, and healthy lifestyle changes.

The Butler VA PCMHI team is an interdisciplinary team that consists of a Physician Assistant, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Licensed Social Worker and a Registered Nurse.  The PCMHI team works with you to provide the tools and resources to successfully obtain healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Some of the available treatment options include brief medication management, counseling, and assistance in setting and achieving healthy behavior goals such as smoking cessation and weight loss. 

For any questions, or more information, please contact:

  • Janis Woessner, PCMHI Team Lead - PA-C at 878-271-6231, or 
  • Jerri-Janelle Rayburg RN-BSN, PCMHI Care Manager at 878-271-6216
Building, floor, or room
Main Entrance

United States

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At a VA facility
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