Unit 3H consists of 30 beds and provides recovery-oriented services for Veterans with psychiatric and addiction disorders. The unit focuses on inpatient, dual diagnosis, rehabilitation with an outpatient component. The inpatient component consists of two individualized Psychiatric Addiction Treatment tracts that serve Veterans who have diagnoses of mental illness co-occurring with an active substance abuse problem. The program lasts up to seven weeks, depending on Veteran needs. The outpatient component of the program is time limited and consists of seven weekly meetings for Veterans who have completed inpatient treatment.
Treatment takes place within an interdisciplinary team consisting of a psychiatrist, social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist, kinesio-therapist, recreational therapist, dietitian, chaplain, and 24-hour nursing care in an open ward environment. The unit provides therapeutic interventions for behavioral issues and educational interventions to learn re-socialization and rehabilitation skills. Veterans in the program can address both substance abuse and serious mental health issues.
Veterans treated on the Dual Diagnosis Unit can expect a safe, therapeutic environment with caring and compassionate treatment from a professional interdisciplinary team. Veterans can learn how their mental illness interacts with substance abuse, and how they can implement new coping skills, practice re-socialization and learn safety in emotional/behavioral crisis.
Criteria for admissions:
Veterans -- with appropriate referrals -- are accepted into this program from within this facility, local VISN 16 facilities, and other VA hospitals.