
Clinical psychology postdoctoral and inter-professional fellowship program

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Clinical psychology postdoctoral fellowships at CAVHS
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We take great pride in training programs that equip the next generation of clinicians to meet the future challenges of Veteran mental health treatment and recovery.
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Psychology training programs

Thank you for your interest in our Psychology Training Programs. The Psychology Training Program at the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System (CAVHS) offers a Clinical Psychology Predoctoral Internship, a Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral and Inter-professional Fellowship, and a two-year Clinical Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellowship. These programs are based on a practitioner-scholar model of training. We take great pride in the services and care we provide our Veterans and in the training we offer. We provide rigorous training in a supportive environment to equip the next generation of clinicians to meet the challenges of mental health treatment and recovery.

APA accreditation

The Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral and Inter-professional Fellowship is accredited by the APA Commission of Accreditation. Following our last site visit in 2022, the program was re-accredited for 10 years, with our next site visit scheduled in 2032.

For further information regarding APA accreditation of these or other accredited training programs, prospective applicants are encouraged to contact:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20002-4242
Phone: (202) 336-5979

Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion

The Psychology Training Program at CAVHS values diversity and believes that a range of backgrounds brings a variety of ideas, perspectives, and experiences that will create a productive work environment in which talents are fully utilized and VA objectives are met. Organizational policies and procedures are designed to promote equal opportunity and provide protection for all staff. CAVHS aspires to combat prejudice, stereotyping, and harassment and is committed to the continued development of the personal and professional skills of its employees, who are treated in a fair and unbiased way and given every encouragement to realize their potential. We aim to ensure that the services we provide to clients and candidates do not discriminate against race, heritage, gender, religious or non-religious beliefs, nationality, family background, age, disability, or sexuality. We encourage applications to our training program from diverse applicants.  Watch this excellent video to learn more about our commitment to diversity.


The Psychology Training Program adheres to APPIC policy regarding offers and acceptances for training. Qualified doctoral and postdoctoral candidates enrolled in or having completed APA-accredited graduate programs in clinical or counseling psychology are eligible to apply. For more information on current eligibility requirements for participating in Psychology Training in the VA, please visit the following website: www.psychologytraining.va.gov/eligibility.asp     

Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral and Inter-professional Fellowship

The Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral and Inter-professional Fellowship trains psychologists in general, advanced practice competencies and how to function effectively as a psychologist in a broad range of multidisciplinary settings. The Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral and Interprofessional Fellowship features two clinical training tracks with the emphasis areas in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery / Serious Mental Illness (PSR/SMI) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). At this time, we have four to six slots in the PSR/SMI track and one slot in the PTSD track. Both tracks strive to provide strong training in evidence-based practices and to promote a recovery orientation in all services provided. Considerable attention is paid to the professional development of the Fellow as a clinician, consultant, clinical scholar, supervisor, educator, program innovator and evaluator, interdisciplinary team member, and consumer advocate. 


Staff profile