Title Veteran Fall Festival Content Date and time Fri, Sep 23 2022, 4:00pm - 8:00pm EDT Full event description Columbus VA is hosting the Veteran Fall Festival during Suicide Prevention Month to remind Veterans they don't have to solve life's challenges alone. Join us to celebrate Veterans and spread the word about the, "Don't Wait. Reach Out" Campaign. Fall Festival has information and resources for Veterans and family members to empower them and link them to care before, during and after a crisis. There will be live music, food, games, family activities, and a Vintage Car Show. Several community and Veteran Service Organizations will be there with information and resources for Veterans. The event is free and open to all military Veterans, active duty, retired, reserve, and National Guard service members and their families. For more information call 614-388-7787. Location-related Building, floor, or room VFW Post 4719 Address 75 W. Johnstown Road Gahanna, OH United States Location type At a non-VA location Registration related Registration is required for this event No Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information Off