
Sharon Castle

Sharon Castle, Chief of Pharmacy
First name
Last name
Pharm.D., BCPS
Job title
Chief, Pharmacy Service
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Dr. Sharon Castle is the Acting Assistant Director at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center.
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She is the Chief, Pharmacy Service and the PGY-2 Pharmacy Administrative Residency Director. Dr. Castle received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Kentucky. She is Board Certified in Pharmacotherapy by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties. She holds an adjunct faculty appointment with the South Carolina College of Pharmacy and serves on numerous VISN and National VA workgroups, including the National Clinical Pharmacy Advisory Board. In 2017, she was awarded the Lewis Blackman Healthcare Executive award for her leadership in opioid safety initiatives. In 2015, she was part of a group of pharmacists that received an Under Secretary for Health Pharmacy Benefits Management Innovation Award. Dr. Castle has served in a variety of leadership roles at the Ralph H. Johnson VA, including Acting Associate Director and Deputy Chief of Staff. Prior to arriving in Charleston, Dr. Castle was the Chief, Pharmacy Service at the VA Medical Center in Huntington, WV where she held an associate professor appointment with the Marshall University School of Medicine Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Assistant Professor appointments at West Virginia University and Ohio Northern University. Dr. Castle’s early career focused on clinical pharmacy practice in infectious disease, internal medicine and critical

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