Paul L. Roberts

Job title |
Medical Center Director
Mr. Paul Roberts leads the delivery of healthcare to more than 24,000 Veterans and families, with a staff of more than 900 professionals and an operating budget of $153 million. He is responsible for directing medical programs and administrative operations at nine locations located across 34K square miles of southeastern Wyoming, western Nebraska, and northern Colorado. Facilities include the Cheyenne VA Medical Center’s main campus in Cheyenne, WY and three Community Based Outpatient Clinics in Fort Collins and Loveland, CO and Sidney, NE. A Primary Care Telehealth Outreach Clinic is located in Rawlins, WY and a Mobile Telehealth Clinic provides service to four communities (Wheatland, WY; Laramie, WY; Torrington, WY; and Sterling, CO). CVAMC is a Level 3 facility, providing primary and secondary inpatient services in medicine and standard surgical procedures, with an authorization to provide intermediate level orthopedic procedures, and outpatient services in medicine, surgery and psychiatry. Mr. Roberts joined the VA in 2013 after serving more than 20 years as an Army Medical Service Corps Officer throughout the United States and overseas. While serving in the Army Medical Department, his most notable assignments and leadership positions included Deputy Commander, Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital & the 121 Combat Support Hospital, Seoul, Korea; Deputy Commander, Reynolds Army Community Hospital, Ft. Sill, Okla.; Deputy Chief of Staff, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Ft. Bliss, Texas; and Regional Director for Physician Network Services for the Department of Defense and Humana Military Healthcare Services at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Roberts’ most significant military awards include the Legion of Merit, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal w/ 6 Oak Leaf Clusters.