Jesse Brown VA Celebrates Native American Heritage Month with Trickster Cultural Center
Chicago, IL
United States
What was originally a single day, set aside in 1915, has become a month dedicated to celebrating the vital role Native Americans have played in strengthening our great nation. Throughout our history, hundreds of thousands of Native Veterans have fought and sacrificed for our freedoms, peace, and prosperity. Native Americans have one of the highest rates of representation in our military. They have a long legacy of serving our country, and they continue to do so with the highest honor and valor.
Not only is Native American Heritage Month a month of celebration and observation, but a time where we can focus and learn about psychosocial issues that are salient to the community in order to better serve our veteran population.
Intimate Partner Violence occurs among all race/ethnicities and socioeconomic classes, but Native women and women of color are disproportionately affected. In communities of color, economic insecurity combined with isolation, racism and discrimination, limited education opportunities, language barriers, and immigration status can affect how Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) experience and respond to Intimate Partner Violence.
Jesse Brown VA is hosting a powerful exhibit along with the Trickster Cultural center that talks about trauma in Native Veteran communities. The Minority Veteran Program at Jesse Brown VA and the Trickster Cultural center are working together to help reach urban native veterans. Additionally, partnering with this cultural center will help bring the attention and expertise needed to address Intimate Partner Violence in underserved populations.
To view the exhibit, visit: Virtual Exhibit: Healing from Domestic Violence - Mashkawizii | Trickster Cultural Center.
The Trickster Cultural Center is located at 190 S. Roselle Road, Schaumburg, IL, 60193 or you can reach them at (847) 301-2090.