
Jane Johnson

Jane Johnson, Interim Executive Medical Center Director
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Job title
Executive Medical Center Director (interim)
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Ms. Jane Johnson, MSN, RN was appointed Interim Executive Medical Center Director for the Chillicothe VA Medical Center effective December 5, 2022.
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Ms. Johnson has been the Executive Medical Center Director of the Cincinnati VA Medical Center since June 28, 2021. She was also appointed as the Associate Director for Patient Care Services on January 20, 2019. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Johnson served as the Senior Nurse Advisor for the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN 10) since 2016. Ms. Johnson has nearly 30 years of experience in Nursing and Quality Management Leadership roles. Previous positions include: Deputy Network Director and Deputy Quality Management Officer for VISN 10 and an accreditation specialist for the Cincinnati VA Medical Center. Ms. Johnson also held several Quality Management leadership positions in industry before joining the Veterans Health Administration in 2007.

Ms. Johnson is an Air Force Veteran. She attained an Associate Degree in Nursing and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Northern Kentucky University in 1984, and a Master of Science in Nursing in Gerontological Mental Health from the University of Cincinnati in 1986.

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