The Community Outreach Division helps Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless due to financial hardship, disability, substance use issues, mental health challenges or Veterans transitioning from jail. We offer several ways to initiate services and determine eligibility. Our location at 909 Vine Street operates as a walk-in clinic, where we have an Office on Duty (OOD), Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30 to assist with any questions or concerns that staff or Veterans may have. Veterans can walk in during business hours or call 513-977-6800 and ask to speak to the OOD.
You can also contact the National Hotline “Help for Homeless Veterans” at 1-877-424-3838 for referral to VA in your catchment area. The number is available 24/7.
We are able to help with the following services:
- Help contacting Central Access Point (CAP) line 513-381-7233 (SAFE) for immediate shelter and/or transitional housing options.
- Complete referral to Housing and Urban Development-Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) for permanent housing.
- Referral to H-PACT clinic, Cincinnati VAMC or nearest CBOC clinic for medical care.
- Referral to Mental Health Services.
- Referral to treatment or Substance Abuse Counselor.
- Referral to community partners to assist with financial support to prevent homelessness.
- Referral to Veteran Justice Outreach if appropriate.
- Referral to Employment Services-can help find jobs, completing resumes, interview skills, etc.
- Referral to community partners if not eligible for VA healthcare.
The following locations for the Community Outreach Division are listed below. Available at these locations:
Community Outreach Division-909 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Homeless-Patient Aligned Care Team (H-PACT)-907 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Norwood VA Clinic-4600 Smith Road, Central Station, Suite A6, Norwood, OH 452012-2784
Fort Thomas Clinic-1000 South Fort Thomas Avenue, Fort Thomas, KY 41075
The Community Outreach Division serves the entire catchment areas of the Cincinnati VAMC (Indiana, Ohio, and Northern Kentucky).
Community Outreach Directory:
Nicole Michaelson, LISW-S
Community Outreach Division Director
Cincinnati VA Medical Center
Phone: 513-977-6807
Josh Runtenelli, LISW-S, LICDC-CS
Substance Use Disorder (SUD)/Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV)/
Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Social Worker Program Coordinator
Community Outreach Division
Cincinnati VA Medical Center
Phone: 513-446-3826
LeQuita Potter, LISW-S, LICDC-CS
HUD-VASH Coordinator
Community Outreach Division
Cincinnati VA Medical Center
Phone: 513-977-6829
Ramona “Leigh” Mansell, LISW-S
HUD-VASH Supervisor
Community Outreach Division
Cincinnati VA Medical Center
Phone: 513-977-6803
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