
Glaucoma Awareness Month

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Because January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, we’d like to take this opportunity to discuss what glaucoma is, how it impacts our Veteran population, and the services available to Veterans to prevent and treat this serious eye disease.
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Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases in which the normal fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises, leading to vision loss or even blindness. People don’t usually know they have glaucoma because it often starts without any symptoms.

The Cincinnati VA Medical Center eye center offers Veterans a direct scheduling service, so they do not need a referral to schedule an appointment with optometry. Veterans who have concerns about their eyes or need an annual check-up are encouraged to call the eye center to schedule an appointment with an optometrist at 513-559-3599 or VA Cincinnati Health Care | Veterans Affairs

Glaucoma Awareness Month with Cincinnati VAMC (wcpo.com)