CMS Knowledge Base content strategy statement
Last updated on September 1, 2021 at 5:05 pm
We strive to make the CMS Knowledge Base the definitive source of answers that helps editors seamlessly create valuable experiences for Veterans. Learn more about what this means and what it looks like in action.
What is a content strategy statement?
A core content strategy statement guides the CMS team's decisions about the knowledge base to ensure it continues to provide our users and product teams with valuable information, and serves VA's higher purpose.
The statement
Be the definitive source of answers that helps editors seamlessly create valuable experiences for Veterans.
Definitive = up-to-date, accurate, and comes from the correct authority
What this looks like:
- Content is up-to-date because there’s a maintenance plan
- Users aren’t confused by duplicative and/or conflicting information
- Information users get from help desk is consistent with what’s in the knowledge base
- Articles (in combination with training) help users align with the Veteran-centered content strategy specific to each product.
Answers = helpful information that addresses real-world questions
What this looks like:
- User feedback from help desk, training, and other inputs informs what topics get priority for navigation, curation, and integration with the editorial experience.
- Internally-focused documentation (such as account admin policies) doesn’t get in the way of content-oriented articles.
- Users report that knowledge base articles are helpful and easy to follow
Seamlessly = provides the path of least resistance for solving problems
What this looks like:
- Users are served content exactly where they need it so they don’t have to go looking for it.
- When users seek out the knowledge base, they don’t have to spend time remembering how to get there.
- Users looking for a specific answer can easily find it in the knowledge base.
Create valuable experiences = knowledge base guides CMS users into becoming Veteran-centered content writers
What this looks like:
- CMS users come to understand creating web content as a craft
- Article content written to integrate the how with the why of writing for
- Quality content design for articles and product landing pages