
5K Run/Walk for Suicide Prevention & Awareness

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Sign up for the 17th annual Delaware County Suicide Prevention & Awareness Task Force Run/Walk at the Hunting Hill Mansion at Ridley Creek State Park.

Participants must register to take part in the timed race, which begins at 9 a.m. Everyone who registers will receive a T-shirt, snacks and beverages.

Early registration costs:
Individuals: $25
Group of 5 or more: $20

On-site day of the race registration: $30

Veterans may choose to volunteer, be a spectator, walk or run the timed race. The registration fee is waived for Veterans.

VA Employees may also sign up to volunteer, or be a spectator, and receive a T-shirt with a donation of $10.

The address is 351 Gradyville Rd., Newtown Square, PA, 19073

Visit www.delcosuicideprevention.org for more information or reach out to Karen Chang by calling 610-487-4876 or emailing karen.chang@va.gov.

Building, floor, or room
Ridley Creek State Park, Pavilion 11A/B

351 Gradyville Road
Newtown Square, PA
United States

Location type
At a non-VA location
Registration related
Registration is required for this event
Include registration information