Higher-Level Reviews
If you disagree with a VA decision, you or your representative can request a new review of your case by a senior reviewer. The reviewer will determine whether an error or a difference of opinion changes the decision. You can’t submit new evidence with a Higher-Level Review.
Can I request a Higher-Level Review?
You can request a Higher-Level Review of an initial claim or Supplemental Claim decision. You have 1 year from the date on your decision letter to request a Higher-Level Review.
Note: You can’t request a Higher-Level Review after a previous Higher-Level Review or Board Appeal on the same claim. And you can’t request a Higher-Level Review if you have a contested claim.
How long does a Higher-Level Review take?
Our goal for completing Higher-Level Reviews is an average of 125 days (4 to 5 months).
Note: If you ask for an informal conference as part of your Higher-Level Review, it may take us longer to complete. Instead, you may want to consider submitting a written statement with your application to tell us about the errors you’ve identified. This will help us make a decision faster.
What’s an informal conference?
An informal conference is a call with the senior reviewer for your case. If you choose to have an informal conference, the senior reviewer will call the phone number that you provided on the Higher-Level Review form to schedule a time to discuss your case with you.
During the call, you or your representative can talk about why you think the decision should change and identify errors. You can’t submit new evidence.
If no one answers when the senior reviewer calls, they’ll leave a voicemail. If they can’t leave a message or make contact after 2 attempts, they’ll review your case without talking to you. Then they’ll decide your case.
How do I ask for an informal conference?
If you want a call with a senior reviewer, you’ll need to choose the informal conference option when you request a Higher-Level Review.
You’ll need to choose either a morning or afternoon time frame for your call. You’ll also need to choose whether you want us to call you or your representative. If you’d like us to call your representative, fill in their name and phone number.
If you request a Higher-Level Review online, you can ask for an informal conference in step 3 of the online form.
If you request a Higher-Level Review by mail or in person, you can ask for an informal conference by marking the circle in item 16A on VA Form 20-0996.
Note: You can have only 1 informal conference for each Higher-Level Review. Make sure you have enough time to talk with the reviewer to explain any errors in your case.
How do I request a Higher-Level Review?
For disability compensation claims, you can request a Higher-Level Review online right now.
Note: For other types of claims, you’ll need to request a Higher-Level Review either by mail or in person.
Other ways to request a Higher-Level Review
By mail
Fill out the Decision Review Request: Higher-Level Review (VA Form 20-0996).
Get VA Form 20-0996 to download
Send the completed form to the benefit office that matches the benefit type you selected on the form.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Claims Intake Center
PO Box 4444
Janesville, WI 53547-4444
Pension/Survivors benefits
If you live in AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IA, KS, MN, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WY, Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean
Department of Veterans Affairs
Claims Intake Center
Attention: St. Paul Pension Center
PO Box 5365
Janesville, WI 53547-5365
If you live in CT, DE, FL, GA, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, PA, RI, SC, VT, VA, WV, DC, Puerto Rico, or Canada
Department of Veterans Affairs
Claims Intake Center
Attention: Philadelphia Pension Center
PO Box 5206
Janesville, WI 53547-5206
If you live in AL, AR, IL, IN, KY, LA, MI, MS, MO, OH, TN, or WI
Department of Veterans Affairs
Claims Intake Center
Attention: Milwaukee Pension Center
PO Box 5192
Janesville, WI 53547-5192
National Cemetery Administration
Please refer to your
decision for instructions
on how to submit the
Please refer to your
decision for instructions
on how to submit the
Veterans Health Administration
Please refer to your
decision for instructions
on how to submit the
Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
Please refer to your
decision for instructions
on how to submit the
Please refer to your
decision for instructions
on how to submit the
Loan guaranty
Please refer to your
decision for instructions
on how to submit the
In person
Fill out the Decision Review Request: Higher-Level Review (VA Form 20-0996).
Get VA Form 20-0996 to download
Bring your completed form to a VA regional office near you.
Find your nearest VA regional office
You can also ask a regional benefit office for a copy of this form to fill out. Or you can call the VA toll-free hotline at 800-827-1000 to request a form. We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET.
Helpful information for filling out your form
Keep reading for help completing certain sections of the Decision Review Request: Higher-Level Review (VA Form 20-0996).
Section III: Select a benefit type
The most common benefit type is compensation. If you’re unsure, check your VA decision. You can’t select multiple benefit types. You have to complete a separate form for each type.
Section VI: List the issues you want us to review
You’ll need to list the issues you disagree with and the VA decision date for each. You can include all or just some of the issues we’ve decided, but they must all be within the same benefit type.
Note: You can’t submit any evidence.
What if I have new and relevant evidence?
If you have evidence to submit, please select another decision review option.
What happens next?
Find out what happens after you request a decision review
You don’t need to do anything while you wait, unless VA sends you a letter asking for more information. If VA schedules exams for you, be sure not to miss them.
If you’ve filed a request for a Higher-Level Review, we may randomly select you to receive an email with a short, optional survey. If selected, you’ll get a survey about one week after we receive your initial claim. You’ll get a second survey about one week after you receive your decision notification letter. You aren’t required to fill out either survey, but your feedback will help us improve the decision review process. It takes about 3 minutes to answer the questions. Please review your VA.gov profile to make sure we have your most recent email address.
Find out how to update your email address
What if the reviewer finds an error?
This depends on what type of error they find. In some cases, the error changes the original decision. We’ll send you a new decision to let you know about this change.
If the reviewer finds that we didn’t help you get all the evidence you needed for your claim, this is called a “duty-to-assist error.” To fix this error, we’ll close your Higher-Level Review and open a new Supplemental Claim. We’ll also send you a letter telling you the steps we’ll take to fix the error. Then we’ll help you get the missing evidence, and decide your case based on this new evidence.
What if I need help?
A Veterans Service Organization or VA-accredited attorney or agent can help you request a decision review.
Get help requesting a decision review
What if I have more questions?
Get answers to frequently asked questions about decision reviews.
Go to FAQs
What if I get a Higher-Level Review decision that I don’t agree with?
You can then file for a Board Appeal, which means your case gets reviewed by a Veterans Law Judge. You also have the option to file a Supplemental Claim if you have additional evidence you want to submit for review.