Request a priority review
If you need to have your appeal moved to the front of the line due to serious illness, financial distress, or other reasons, find out how to request a priority review.
Can my appeal get a priority review?
You can request to have your appeal Advanced on Docket, or moved to the front of the line, for any of these reasons.
One of these must be true:
- You’re 75 years old or older, or
- You suffer from a serious illness, or
- You’re in financial distress, or
- You have other sufficient cause (a reason for needing your appeal reviewed faster)
Note: If you’re over 75 years old, your appeal will receive Advanced on Docket status automatically.
How do I request to have my appeal Advanced on Docket?
You or your representative will need to write a letter to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.
You’ll need to include all of this information:
- Your name (as the Veteran or other person appealing a claim—like a survivor, guardian, or fiduciary), and
- The VA file number for your claim, and
- The reason you want to be moved forward on the docket
You or your representative can send your written request in one of these ways:
By mail
Board of Veterans’ Appeals
PO Box 27063
Washington, DC 20038
By fax
Fax your request to 844-678-8979.
Who can I contact if I need more information?
Contact your Veterans Service Organization or representative, or call the Board of Veterans’ Appeals at 800-827-1000. We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET.