
Miriam Morey

M. Morey
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Associate Director of Research
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Miriam Morey, Ph.D., is the Associate Director of Research of the Durham VA GRECC. She is also Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke University, a Senior Fellow for the Duke Center for Aging and Human Development, and the Co-Principal Investigator of the NIA Duke Pepper Older Americans Independence Center.
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She is a master’s trained exercise physiologist with a doctorate in epidemiology from the University of North Carolina. She combines her two academic disciplines into a productive clinically-based research program.  She directs the Gerofit program, a highly successful exercise and health promotion program for older veterans developed in 1986. Over 1200 veterans have participated in this facility-based program aimed at improving fitness and function in our older veterans. Dr. Morey has published numerous manuscripts reporting substantial health benefits such as improved fitness, function, cardiovascular risk factor reduction, and longevity among program participants.  She also maintains an active research portfolio of lifestyle modification to reduce or ameliorate adverse health outcomes in diverse veteran populations. He research is funded by VA ORD and the NIA. Dr. Morey is a fellow in the Gerontological Society of America and the American College of Sports Medicine and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.  She chairs the Durham VA Research and Development committee which serves as the primary research oversight committee of research conducted at the VA.

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