
Tracey Arensmann

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Associate Director
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Ms. Tracey Aresnmann currently serves as the Associate Director for the El Paso VA Health Care Systems.
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Ms. Tracey Arensmann is a US Navy Veteran, where she served as an Air Traffic Controller at Naval Air Station (NAS) Fallon, Nevada, from 1985-1990. |After 20 years in the private sector financial field, Ms. Arensmann began her VA career in 2011 as a Budget Analyst in St. Louis. During her time in St. Louis, she was actively involved in fund raising and support groups at the Siteman Cancer Center and served as Interim Executive Director for the St. Louis VA Research Foundation. After a brief tenure as Acting Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the Charlie Norwood VA in Augusta, Georgia, she joined the El Paso VA Health Care System in February 2017 as CFO until being selected as Associate Director in July 2021. 

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