Give the gift of life. Donate blood.
VA and the blood collection agencies are teaming up for a nationwide blood drive to help fight the shortage of life-saving blood caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We need your help. Join us on Monday, July 11, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Support Veterans and your community by donating at your local VA. Roll up your sleeve and make a difference. If you are healthy, we encourage you to donate.
Blood donation is a safe, life-saving activity during this time of national crisis. You cannot transmit coronavirus by giving or receiving blood.
The blood mobile will be located at the Erie VAMC Parking Lot near the main entrance of the facility. First come, first served donation.
There is a critical blood shortage that threatens the safety of patients nationwide, both inside and outside the VA health system. Blood shortages can pose risks to hospitals in performing necessary patient care. In recent weeks, the Red Cross has declared this the worst blood shortage in over a decade, with less than a one-day supply of critical blood types.
Blood donation bonus
All July blood donors entered to win ONE OF FOUR VACATIONS.
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