
Advice nurse at VA Erie health care

VHA health service name and description

Talk with an advice nurse if you have questions about your care or for help in deciding whether you need an urgent or routine appointment.

Type of care
Primary care
Health Service API ID
This is a required Vet Center service
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VAMC system description

Our Advice Nurse Line provides you and your family with convenient health care advice after hours every weekday, and 24 hours a day on holidays and weekends. Our experienced nurses can access your medical records and many other resources. They can answer your questions as well and offer the helpful medical advice you need—right over the telephone. The registered nurses on our Advice Nurse Line can also: 

  • Help you manage some of your basic health care needs 
  • Answer questions about your current medications or medical condition
  • Discuss your health care concerns and help you decide the best way to handle them
  • Offer improved access to VA services

Ask a Nurse Line: 814-868-8661, press 3