
Caregiver Support

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Caregivers are the family members and loved ones who provide care for Veterans who are living with the effects of war, disability, chronic illness, or aging.
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The Fargo VA Health Care System offers a number of services to support you and the Veteran you care for. Ask a caregiver support coordinator to help you find what you need, whether it's in-home help, someone to listen, or anything in between - 701-239-3700 Ext. 4399, vhafarcaregiversupport@va.gov.
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What is a Caregiver?

Caregivers are the family members and loved ones who provide care for Veterans who are living with the effects of war, disability, chronic illness, or aging. They deserve VA’s highest level of support. Caregivers are the critical link to ensuring Veterans have quality care and optimal wellness.  We want all caregivers to feel supported and have trust in VA to assist them in their care giving roles.

Caregiver Support

The Fargo VA Health Care System recognizes that Caregivers provide a valuable service for Veterans and are "partners" with the VA in providing excellent healthcare. Caregivers provide the support and care needed to allow Veterans to remain in their own home. Caregivers also play an important role in supporting Veterans who are hospitalized or living outside their home.

The Fargo VA Caregiver Support Program has a number of resources to provide support, education and information, including:

  • Virtual Caregiver Support Groups offered via ZOOM or by phone
    • First Tuesday of the month 5:30 – 7 p.m.
    • Third Wednesday of the month 1 – 2:30 p.m.
  • Powerful Tools for Caregivers – A 6-week series that builds confidence, reduces stress, improves communication and will help bring balance to your life. Offered various times throughout the year
  • Compassionate Contact Corps – Volunteer Telephone Visitor Program – A volunteer can be paired with the Veteran or Caregiver to provide support through friendly visiting.
  • Virtual Yoga and Mindfulness Sessions offered via ZOOM on a quarterly basis.

To register or more information, call or email the Fargo VA Health Care System Caregiver Support Program at (701) 239-3700 extension 4399; vhafarcaregiversupport@va.gov.