
VA2K Walk and Roll

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Fayetteville NC VA2k
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The VA2K Walk and Roll is an annual event to inspire VA employees, Veterans and the community to incorporate healthy activity into their workday while supporting houseless Veterans.
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VA2k 2022

VA2K Walk and Roll

The annual VA2K Walk and Roll event encourages people to live active lifestyles and allows participants to support homeless Veterans through voluntary donations of unused household and unused clothing items.

Since 2011, over $2,771,409 of donated goods have been collected nationwide.

How does this support Homeless Veterans?

Donations are accepted, but not required to participate in this community event. If you would like to donate items needed most by Veterans participating our Health Care for Homeless Veterans Program, visit website:  https://www.cdceportal.va.gov/donate_at_facility/. Select North Carolina for the State. Select Fayetteville VA for Facility. Select Activity as program for donation. Type in VA2K under Intended use/purpose of your donation section.  

Your generous donation is appreciated. Click the link to view the most requested items for our Veterans in need.

How to get involved?

On Wednesday, May 18, we are asking VA employees, Veterans, community partners and our greater Southeastern North Carolina community to join is for a 1.24 miles (approximately 2,625 steps) stroll or roll.  It’s free and no registration is required!

Why walk?

According to the National Institute of Health, walking is the most popular physical activity among adults, and it’s easy to see why. It requires no special clothes or equipment, and it’s free. Regular walking can have many health benefits. It may lower your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. It can strengthen your bones and muscles. It may help you maintain a healthy weight. It might also help lift your mood.

VAY2K Come on out and take a stroll with us with cartoon face images

Get Outdoors!

There are parks and trails throughout our 19-county Southeastern North Carolina area. Great places to get in our 1.24 miles for VA2k.  Visit the sites below to learn more about places to walk, stroll and roll while enjoying the beauty of North Carolina.

Bladen County

Brunswick County

Columbus County

Cumberland County

Duplin County

Harnett County

Hoke County

Jones County

Lee County

Lenoir County

Moore County

New Hanover County

Wayne County

Onslow County

Pender County

Richmond County

Robeson County

Sampson County

Scotland County