
Honolulu Vet Center - Mental health care

Vet Center
Service name
Vet Center service description

The Honolulu Vet Center offer counseling services to eligible Veterans, active duty Servicemembers, members of the National Guard and Reserve, and their families. Readjustment counseling is offered to help our clients make successful transitions in life after stressful or traumatic military events.

Services include:

  • Individual counseling - to cope with personal changes caused by stressful or traumatic events in the military.
  • Couples/marital/family counseling - for family issues that are related to military stressors or trauma and post-military readjustment.
  • Group counseling services - to join with other service members and veterans dealing with similar readjustment issues in a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential setting.

Current on-going groups available at the Honolulu Vet Center are:

  • Combat Vet Support.
  • Global War on Terror (GWOT) Veteran.
  • Women's Support Group.
  • Women's Trauma Skills.
  • Women's Resilience.
  • Vietnam Veteran.

New and different groups are added from time to time. Counseling services can be brief or as long as needed. If you are interested in services, please give us a call to speak with one of our counselors.