Title Spanish-Language Mindfulness Workshop Content Date and time Tue, Aug 2 2022, 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT (12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT) Full event description To welcome and support our Spanish-speaking caregivers and Veterans, Whole Health’s monthly virtual Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop for August will be led entirely in Spanish. Join Jorge Ruiz, LCSW, for an introduction to mindfulness and its benefits, including guided mindfulness practices and resources for developing a practice of your own. Unirse desde este enlace de reunión https://veteransaffairs.webex.com/veteransaffairs/j.php?MTID=mf114f2603a26af7ad5eae5e06aecf827 Únete por teléfono: 1-404-397-1596 Número de reunion (Código de acceso): 2762 450 9480 Location-related Address United States Location type At a VA facility Registration related Registration is required for this event No Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information Off