Christopher Myhaver,

Job title |
Associate Director
As Associate Director, Mr. Myhaver is a member of the facility’s senior executive team and provides critical oversight and management of administrative hospital operations, including: HAS, Logistics, Nutrition and Food Service, Pharmacy, Privacy Office, Prosthetics, Veterans Experience Office, VCS, OI&T, and Purchasing and Contracting.
Prior to taking on this role, Mr. Myhaver was the Executive Director of Business Operations and Administration in the VHA Office of Care in the Community. In this role, he was responsible for providing oversight for the administrative and support services for the Office of Community Care. This includes the oversight of Policy and Planning, Equal Employment Opportunity, Communications, Congressional Correspondence, and the financial management and execution of an approximately $14B annual Community Care budget.
Mr. Myhaver joined the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in 2004 as a PRIME Resident at the South Texas Veterans Health Care System. In 2005, he became an Administrative Resident at the VA North Texas Health Care System as a part of the Graduate Health Administrative Trainee Program. Mr. Myhaver later served in leadership roles at the VA North Texas Healthcare System, Grand Junction VAMC, Overton Brooks VAMC, and El Paso VA Health Care System. At the VACO level, Mr. Myhaver worked as the Director of OCC’s Claims Adjudication and Reimbursement (CAR) office. In this role, he was responsible for administering VA healthcare benefits for Veterans and family members for CHAMPVA, Spina Bifida Healthcare, Children of Women Vietnam Veterans Program, Caregiver Support Program, Foreign Medical Program, VA Community Care (VACC) and Camp Lejeune Family Member Program. CAR is comprised of approximately 2,200 employees.
Mr. Myhaver received a Master of Science in Healthcare Administration from Trinity University in San Antonio and a Bachelor of Science in Community Health from Texas A&M University in College Station. He is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.