Dawn M. Schaal

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She comes to this role from her position as the Interim Director of VA HVHCS, which she began on October 27, 2019. Prior to that, Ms. Schaal was the Associate Director from November 29, 2015. Ms. Schaal started with the VA in 1997 as a staff occupational therapist and has served in progressive positions since, including Ambulatory Care Line Business Manager, Staff Assistant to the Director, and Chief of Health Administration Service in 2013. She served in this role until January 2015, when the VA Under Secretary for Health appointed her to Interim Associate Director for a 120-day period. Ms. Schaal has also served as the Interim Group Practice Manager. Through her leadership, the medical center’s scheduling process was recognized as a program with strong integrity by the Inspector General, the Joint Commission, and former VA Deputy Secretary Sloan Gibson.
Ms. Schaal earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Binghamton University, a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy from Tufts University. She completed the VISN 3 Bridges to the Future program and has earned a VA-sponsored Healthcare Data Analytics certificate from Nebraska Methodist College. She completed the Northeast Healthcare Leadership Program and VA’s Healthcare Leadership Development Program. In early 2015, Ms. Schaal received the Federal Executive Board Distinguished Service Award.
Ms. Schaal can be reached at 845-831-2000, ext. 215400, or 914-737-4400 ext. 202400.