Title Operating status | VA Iron Mountain health care VAMC system VA Iron Mountain health care System-wide alerts Coronavirus Facility operating statuses Oscar G. Johnson Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility Gladstone VA Clinic Hancock VA Clinic Ironwood VA Clinic Manistique VA Clinic Marquette VA Clinic Menominee VA Clinic Rhinelander VA Clinic Sault Saint Marie VA Clinic Patient resources Patient resources Urgent Care Hours: 7a.m. - 6p.m.Monday thru Friday --- CLOSED Saturday and Sunday Emergency: 911 Veterans Crisis Line: 988, select 1 24-hour nurse: 906-779-3101 Change your appointment: 906-779-7449 or 800-805-1870 Media inquiries: 906-774-3300, ext. 32001 or 906-221-5189 National Veterans Helpline: 800-507-4571 Patient locator: 906-774-3300, ext. 32631 or 800-215-8262, ext. 32631 Pharmacy refill: 906-774-3300, ext. 32480 or 800-555-8262, select 2 and then select 1 Staff locator: 906-774-3300, ext. 32636 Telephone care: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT: 906-779-3965 or 800-481-7016 Evenings and Weekends: 906-774-3300, select 2 and then select 5