
Operating status | VA Iron Mountain health care

System-wide alerts
Patient resources

Patient resources

Urgent Care Hours: 7a.m. - 6p.m.Monday thru Friday --- CLOSED Saturday and Sunday

Emergency: 911

Veterans Crisis Line: 988, select 1

24-hour nurse: 906-779-3101

Change your appointment: 906-779-7449 or 800-805-1870

Media inquiries: 906-774-3300, ext. 32001 or 906-221-5189

National Veterans Helpline: 800-507-4571

Patient locator: 906-774-3300, ext. 32631 or 800-215-8262, ext. 32631

Pharmacy refill: 906-774-3300, ext. 32480 or 800-555-8262, select 2 and then select 1

Staff locator: 906-774-3300, ext. 32636

Telephone care: