October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a perfect time for a reminder about the importance of mammograms and early detection. Localized breast cancer has a 99% survival rate if detected early, and VA leads the nation’s health care systems in providing mammograms to those who need them.
“Early detection and treatment are key in the fight against breast cancer,” said Debra Pierce-Robinson, Women Veterans Program Manager. “Our Women Veterans Program (WVHP) emphasizes the importance of expanding access to on-site mammograms, ensuring Veterans receive age-appropriate breast cancer screenings and using state-of-the-art information technology to meet the growing needs of women Veterans.”
Our dedicated Women Veterans Program (WVP) ensures women Veterans have access to appropriate care and treatment. They collaborate with the Office of Community Care to coordinate timely mammograms through community providers. Our mammography coordinators ensure timely receipt of diagnostic images and connects women with their clinical teams to coordinate all the services a woman Veteran may need.
For women ages 45 and older, VA recommends regular breast cancer screening. Women may also choose to start screening with yearly mammograms as early as age 40.
Breast care resources available through VA include mammograms, breast ultrasounds and MRI, genetic counseling and testing, cancer diagnosis, treatment, and more.
VA encourages women Veterans not currently using VA health care services to enroll and use the benefits they have earned. Call the Women Veterans Call Center for information at 1-855-VA-Women (1-855-829-6636) or visit womenshealth.va.gov.
The G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC and the Columbus, Greenville, Hattiesburg, Kosciusko, McComb, Meridian, and Natchez VA Clinics are all part of the VA Jackson Health Care System which is headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, and provide a variety of medical outpatient services to more than 54,000 Veterans. For more information visit www.jackson.va.gov.