Title Meet the Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program Manager - Dr. Tawana Tucker Featured Not featured Content Author Courtney Ammons First sentence (lede) The Health Promotion Disease Prevention (HPDP) Program is one of the most powerful tools for Veterans and their caregivers to improve the overall well-being of the Veteran. Body text What would you like a Veteran or Veteran caregiver to know about your program? As the HPDP Program Manager, I promote our nine Healthy Living Messages as I work with our PACT Teams and other interdisciplinary teams to promote healthy living for our Veterans. At this time, we are urging our Veterans to obtain their recommended vaccines, including their annual flu vaccine and screening test. We certainly encourage our Veterans to be involved in their health care as they make decisions to improve their health. How can they learn more about your program or get in contact with you? To learn more about HPDP, visit: Health Promotion & Disease Prevention (HPDP) | VA Houston Health Care | Veterans Affairs or contact me at 601-362-4471 extension 51007 Can you tell me a little about yourself? I live in Ridgeland, MS, with my 13-year-old son Bryson Tyler Tucker. I was born and raised in Durant, Mississippi. How long have you worked for VA, and what roles have you had at the VA? I’ve been a nurse since 1993, and I began my VA career at the Medical Center as an agency nurse in June 2005 in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. I was hired permanently in December 2005 in the surgical intensive care unit. I’ve been the Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program Manager since January 2018, and in 2019 I received the additional Veterans Health Education Coordinator position. Before my transition as a Program Manager, I worked in Nursing Education. How does serving Veterans each day impact you personally? I love being a nurse serving our nation’s heroes because the facility would not exist without the sacrifices made by the Veterans and their families. I advocate for the facility’s Veterans’ health education initiatives, programs, and activities. What is an interesting fact that many do not know about you? I completed the San Francisco 26.2 Nike Marathon after I refused to be beaten by a 70-year-old. That was my last and only full marathon; however, I’ve completed several half-marathons. What do you do for fun? After multiple degrees and national certifications, I decided to return to back to school. Currently, I’m in nurse practitioner school at UMMC; therefore, when time permits, I’m an avid reader of Christian novels. Are you a Veteran? If so, what branch of service. I’m a Major in U. S. Army Reserves, Nurse Corps. Also known as HPDP, the Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program is one of the most powerful tools for Veterans and their caregivers to improve the overall well-being of the Veteran. Veterans face some of the most challenging health conditions, yet, are empowered to base informed decisions on evidence-based information at no cost. The program is based on 10 Healthy Living Messages that provide basic knowledge to prevent further illnesses and disease progression. The National Center for Health Promotion Disease Prevention (NCP) provides guidance to VA’s across the nation and is also a valuable resource for our nation’s heroes.