
Eddaliss Gonzalez-Ruiz

Photo of KCVA Executive for High Reliability, Eddaliss Gonzalez-Ruiz
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Associate Director for Patient Care Services/Nurse Executive
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Eddaliss began her career with the VA in 2007 as a new graduate medical surgical RN at the San Juan VA Medical Center.
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She later moved to the Emergency Department and worked as a Research Coordinator for a National Cooperative Studies Program. She was also an adjunct professor of Nursing for the BSN program at the Interamerican University School of Nursing. In 2014, she and her Family moved to Kansas City, where she was the Nurse Manager of Silver Clinic for four years. After details as the Associate Chief Nurse of Specialty Care and Deputy ADPCS, she accepted the role of Associate Chief Nurse of Inpatient Services in 2018. Since 2020, she has served as the Executive for High Reliability, with facility oversight of quality, patient safety, and process improvement. Eddaliss has a BSN and Master’s in Public Health from the University of Puerto Rico. She is a Certified Transformational Coach, Improvement Advisor and is LEAN Black Belt Certified. With her training in Process Improvement and Facilitation she has led multiple projects at a facility and National level and is committed to leading the KCVA towards Zero Harm and become a highly reliable organization for the service of our Veterans. 

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