
Chaplain services

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VA Lebanon's chaplains support spiritual needs across all traditions and beliefs. Patients and families are also welcome to our two interfaith chapels.
Page introduction
VA Lebanon's chaplains are trained specialists in spiritual and religious care, available to patients and their families throughout their hospital stays.
Daily Mass is at 12 Noon Monday-Friday. On Federal Holidays, there is not a Mass. On Sundays, the Protestant Service begins at 8:45 a.m. and Mass is held at 10:30 a.m.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may call the Chief of Chaplains, Dean Luther at 717-272-6621, extension 6021 or Chaplain Secretary, Vincent Zvorsky, extension 5085.
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Chaplain services

The hospital operator must be called to reach a chaplain evening to early morning hours, between :

Monday through Friday; 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday; anytime.


The Chapel is open from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., seven days a week.
For general questions, more information, or assistance please call

the Chaplain Secretary:

Vincent Zvorsky, 
 717-272-6621, Ext. 5085

Chief of Chaplains

Chaplain E. Dean Luther M.Div. ACPE,
717-272-6621, extension 6021
or, 717-228-6021.

Staff Chaplains

Chaplain Rose Bryan  (Protestant)  M. Div., BCC, ACPE  (ACPE Cert. Educator)   ext. 5087
Chaplain Jack Galle   (Protestant)     D. Min, BCC   ext. 5435
Chaplain Christopher Lehr   (Protestant)   M. Div.   (Military Furlough)
Chaplain Shellie Sterner  (Protestant)  M. Div., GC-C  ext. 4881
Chaplain Tyson Wood   (Catholic) ext. 4576
Chaplain Harold Dagle   (Catholic)
Rebecca Sanders   Social Worker   LCSW, CADC   (EAP) ext. 3437