Portland Hannaford Parking Lot, 295 Forrest Ave. October 19, 2022 from 10 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
Medical Checkups — Connection to Services Non-Perishable Food — Winter Gear
For more information or to reserve a time slot call 207-287-7019, HVC.MaineBVS@maine.gov. Reservations not required but having one will speed you through the stations. Event sponsored by VA Maine Healthcare System, VA Maine Homeless Veterans Program, Veterans Benefits Administration, Portland Vet Center, Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services, VFW, Operation Brotherhood, Elks Lodge, Maine Veterans in Need, Maine DOL CareerCenters, Wabanaki Public Health & Wellness, Volunteers of America Northern New England, Preble Street, and V.E.T.S. Trailers.