Title Advance Directive Day Content Date and time Mon, Aug 22 2022, 9:00am - 3:00pm EDT Event image ADD Flyer 22AUG2022 All Locations.jpg Shown in media library Section VA Manchester health care Full event description This event will be taking place at the Manchester VA Medical Center, the Conway Clinic, the Tilton Clinic, and the Somersworth Clinic. Plan ahead to make sure your voice is heard in a medical emergency and discuss your wished for your healthcare. Learn about: Living Will Power of Attorney for healthcare Advanced Directives so much more. If you cannot attend Advance Directive Day but would like assistance in completing an advance directive, please reach out to a VA Social Worker at extension 3199 Location-related Address United States Location type At a VA facility Registration related Registration is required for this event No Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information Off