
Chaplain services

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VA Miami's chaplains support spiritual needs across all traditions and beliefs. Patients and families are also welcome to use our interfaith chapel.
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Miami VA's chaplains are trained specialists in spiritual and religious care, available to patients and their families throughout their hospital stays. Our interfaith chapel offers space for quiet reflection as well as regularly scheduled services.
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Chaplain services

Our chaplains provide spiritual and pastoral care and emotional or spiritual comfort for you and your family during your hospital stay. 

Our chaplains, representing the three major religious groups, Catholic, Jewish, Protestant and Orthodox are on duty seven days a week. They make pastoral calls daily and are available for private consultation. Chaplains are also on call during off tour hours. Inpatients desiring pastoral care can ask a nurse to call Chaplain Service, ext. 3200.

Chaplain offices are located on the second floor, Room A215, and are open for meditation and prayer from 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. daily. Chapels are also open from 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.


A nondenominational chapel is available in the Bruce W. Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. It's open to anyone at any time for quiet meditation and reflection. Our chaplains also hold regularly scheduled worship services in the chapel.


For more information, contact one of our chaplains at 305-575-7000, ext. 13200.

Nondenominational Chapel

Bruce W. Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Coming soon!
Map of Miami campus