Ana Tomaich

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PGY2 Pharmacy Resident - Psychiatry
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Ana Tomaich is the PGY2 Pharmacy Resident in Psychiatry.
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Ana Tomaich received her PharmD from the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) College of Pharmacy and went on to complete her PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center. Currently, Ana is the PGY2 Psychiatry resident at the Clement J. Zablocki VA. Her professional interests include geropsychiatry, population health management, and substance use disorder with goals of being in a blended inpatient and outpatient mental health role after completion of PGY2. Ana’s longitudinal project is Piloting a Pharmacist-Driven Mental Health Medication Monitoring Clinic. Ana enjoys baking, walking around the Milwaukee lakefront, going to farmer’s markets, traveling, and starting new craft projects!
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