Sharon Zilly
Job title |
Associate Chief of Operations
Sharon Zilly, PharmD earned her Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008 and currently serves as the Associate Chief of Operations. Dr. Zilly managed staff for four years as Outpatient Pharmacy Supervisor following nine years as a clinical pharmacist at Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center. Her position assists in the planning, direction, and coordination of comprehensive pharmacy services throughout the facility. As a clinical pharmacist Dr. Zilly has experience in the IV room, inpatient, outpatient, and as a specialized community care pharmacist. She is board certified in pharmacotherapy (BCPS) since 2011 and is a graduate of the VA Leadership and New Supervisory Training Program. Dr. Zilly obtained certification in Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies program from the University of Utah. She also actively participates on the Awards and Recognition Committee and works closely with the patient advocates.