
PUBLIC NOTICE: City of Helena Posts Notice of Water Quality Violation

First sentence (lede)
HELENA, Mont. -- The city of Helena has been notified that recent testing of drinking water revealed a violation of a drinking water standard, which potentially affects the Fort Harrison VA Medical Center.
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Although this is not an emergency, it is important that the community is aware. The city stated that utility billing customers will also receive a notice of the drinking water quality violation in their November 2022 statement.


While this is not an emergency, Fort Harrison has taken additional precautionary steps to help ensure the safety of our Veterans.


During the third quarter of 2022 (July 1 to September 30, 2022), one of the four water quality locations revealed elevated levels of Haloacetic Acids (HAA5). The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) allowed for HAA5 is 60 ug per Liter. Testing recorded HAA5 levels at 66 ug per Liter.


According to the Helena Water System report, this is the first time the city of Helena has violated the MCL for HAA5.


To learn more about the city’s water quality violation, visit Water Quality Violation | City of Helena, MT (beheardhelena.com)


For more information, call the Helena Water System, Public Works Department at (406) 447-8430.

