
Women Veterans Virtual Town Hall Meeting

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You're invited to the Virtual Women Veterans Town Hall Meeting
Date and time
- (6:30pm - 7:30pm EDT)
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Full event description

You are cordially invited to join us at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 29, as we conduct a Women Veterans Virtual Town Hall on Facebook Live from the Women Veterans Health Clinic on the Omaha VA Medical Center campus.

During this informational and public forum meeting, you will have the chance to learn more about how your VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System is working to meet the health care needs of our Women Veterans, with a special emphasis on October’s upcoming Breast Cancer Awareness Month recognition.

Among the subjects we will be spotlighting are:
• A Women Veterans Health Update.
• Breast Cancer services and benefits available to eligible and enrolled Veterans.
• A Breast Cancer survivor’s story.
• Information on upcoming Women Veterans Outreach Activities.

This meeting will also give you the opportunity to ask any question that you may have. You can either ask your questions during the Women Veterans Virtual Town Hall, or you can email your questions to: VHANWIPUBLICAFFAIRS@va.gov

You can also set up a reminder for the meeting by going to our VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Facebook link and clicking onto the “going” button. You can also post your questions there as well. NEED LINK

We look forward to talking with you during our Women Veterans Virtual Town Hall beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 29.

See you there!

Building, floor, or room
womens clinic

United States

Location type
At a VA facility
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