
VLJ Veterans Legal Program

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Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) provides FREE legal services to veterans with certain civil (non-criminal) legal issues. 

Veterans who are eligible for services are scheduled for a virtual clinic to speak to an attorney (by phone or video) to discuss their legal issue(s). 
At the end of the appointment, attorneys will determine if VLJ can provide any additional services. Each veteran receives an ACTION PLAN with recommendations about how to move forward to resolve their legal issue(s). 
Veterans who answer "YES" to any of the questions below, should contact VLJ to complete an application and submit relevant paperwork.

•    Are you a tenant concerned about paying your rent, being evicted, or experiencing habitability issues? Are you having trouble getting a security deposit back?
•    Are you are being contacted by debt collectors or are considering filing for bankruptcy?
•    Do you have a suspended driver's license or want to clear/expunge a criminal record?
•    Are you looking to modify a NJ child support order?
•    Are you interested in filing for divorce?
•    Do you need simple estate planning documents prepared, including a will, power of attorney, or medical directive)?

If "YES", call 973-645-1955 or apply on line at www.vljnj.org/onlineintake


United States

Location type
At a VA facility
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