Title Breast Cancer Awareness Month Blood Drive Meta Teaser description VANJHCS | BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH BLOOD DRIVE Content Date and time Thu, Oct 6 2022, 9:00am - 3:00pm EDT Full event description Join VANJHCS for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month Blood Drive. Appointments are recommended. Use sponsor code 71425 or text 917-699-9076. Walk-ins welcome, if drive capacity permits. Please bring photo ID, drink plenty of water, and eat before donating. Masks are required. Call to action Register Location-related Building, floor, or room Building 1, 3rd Floor Auditorium Address United States Location type At a VA facility Facility location East Orange VA Medical Center Registration related URL https://donate.nybc.org/donor/schedules/name?utm_source=flyer&utm_medium=print&… Registration is required for this event Yes Cost Free Curation Featured Off Include registration information On