Helena Chandler

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Acting, Director of War Related Illness and Injury Center
Dr. Chandler has 20 years of experience applying behavioral medicine principles to the Veteran population and her research and clinical specialty is in those Veterans with medically unexplained and deployment-related health concerns. Dr. Chandler has received federal funding for studies addressing issues of Gulf War Illness, Chronic Multi-symptom Illness, delivery of healthcare services, and the impact of mental health conditions (particularly PTSD) on physical symptoms. Dr. Chandler has a particular research interest in three interconnected areas of research: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS), and Healthcare Utilization. Dr. Chandler’s current primary role is to lead the NJ WRIISC in advancing and disseminating knowledge about deployment related health issues and environmental exposure concerns.