
Marjorie Jackson-Baptiste

Marjorie Jackson-Baptiste
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Administrative Officer, Community Based Outpatient Clinics
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Marjorie Jackson-Baptiste, Administrative Officer for the Community Based Outpatient Clinics is a retired Army Veteran.
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She joined the Army in 1994 and completed basic in North Carolina at Fort Jackson.  Her first duty station was in Killeen Texas at Fort Hood and after eighteen months there her Battalion moved to Fort Bliss in El Paso Texas in 1996.  Ms. Jackson-Baptiste served in the Dessert Storm Era, traveling to South West Asia in 1998 with her Active Duty Units for six months on a peace keeping mission.  Marjorie joined the New York State National Guard at the end of 1998 upon leaving active service.  She spent six years in the Guard and was activated in 2001 for the September 11th terrorist attack on New York City.  In 2005,  Ms. Jackson left the NYS National Guard and joined the Army Reserves.  Four months after joining the Reserves,  she was deployed for seventeen months , where she spent twelve of those months at Camp Diamondback in Mosel, Iraq.  Marjorie is a high decorated Staff Sergeant who was injured in the line of duty during her last deployment.

Ms. Jackson-Baptiste started her journey at the VANJHCS in June 2010 as a Medical Support Assistant, and became the Administrative Officer for Ambulatory Care nine Outpatient Clinics in 2014 to present. Marjorie has a Master’s in Healthcare Administration, Bachelor’s in Healthcare Administration, and an Associates in Business Administration. She is a member of the College of Healthcare Executives and local VFW.  

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